The Author

Greetings tech enthusiasts! I’m Owen, a cloud enthusiast from rural Ireland.

The Beginning

My journey into the realm of cloud technology kicked off officially in August ’23, but the seeds of my fascination were sown about a year prior. Now, let me assure you, my path to tech wasn’t your run-of-the-mill story. I gave college a shot, found it wasn’t my cup of tea, and opted for a different adventure. I started a family at 21. Cue a decade of navigating through jobs in hospitality and manufacturing, making ends meet while secretly awaiting what I fondly dubbed “My Opportunity.”

Lo and behold, this golden chance manifested during the chaos of the COVID pandemic. In the midst of transitioning from a chicken factory to a sausage factory I inadvertently stumbled upon a paid technology apprenticeship close to home. I applied, got rejected (cue the dramatic music), and faced the reality check of a decade with zero tech experience. Undeterred, I resolved to nail it on my second try. The next year, I cast a wider net, applying to every college within a 3-hour radius. Success finally knocked and at 30, I found myself stepping into the world of technology.

The Breakthrough

Starting in a financial helpdesk support role at a bank, I swiftly transitioned into a platform engineer within a software company. And there you have it, the birth of this blog. Originally conceived as a cloud project to spruce up my CV. It has now evolved into a space where I unravel the complexities of technology with a sprinkle of humour.

My key interests are for serverless architecture, Infrastructure as Code, and cloud operations. Join me on this journey as we navigate the intricacies of the cloud universe, one serverless solution at a time. Cheers! to the era of the technologist, where age is just a number and every rejection is a stepping stone to something greater!

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